It was a beautiful afternoon, so I thought I would take my dog Rick for a walk in the park. I brought along a tennis ball to play fetch with. On my third throw, the ball sailed into some bushes, and the dog couldn't find it. I went into the bushes to look for the ball. After a few moments, I found it. Next to the ball was a strange looking green rope coming out of the ground. “That’s weird.” I said to the dog. I decided to give the rope a pull to see what happened. I pulled the rope and suddenly I was hit bluntly in the back, I looked back, all I could see was a frightening blur of red. But there were other colors green and blue and yellow… IT WAS WHACKING ME WITH CRAYONS!!?!!! That was when I realized who the crayon pelting attacker was, it was ELMO! I must’ve fell into a hole when I pulled the rope because it was somewhat dark and smelled funny. He stopped abruptly, “Elmo thought he would see YOU soon, I've taken care of your friend!” That’s when I looked to my right and saw Trysten tied up in a corner. “You’ll never get away with this Elmo!” I yelled. “ Well, the S.S.K. thinks otherwise, Elmo thinks Elmo will TOTALLY get away with it!” He replied threateningly. Then suddenly, some more people came out from within the shadows. They were big-bird, cookie monster, and Bert! “I’d like you to meet Beaks, C.M., and B man. “ Then suddenly, something fell on cookie monster. IT WAS MY DOG RICK! “WHY DOG BITE?!” Cookie monster wailed, Rick tearing at his crumb ridden flesh. "NOOOOOOOoooo..." he screamed as the faithful pup dragged him down the cave. "Don't think that'll catch Elmo off guard, I have plans for you two. He said menacingly. He had them crazy eyes you know? Like an angry bear on cocaine. "Beaks! Take them to the vat room. He put us over his shoulders and took us into a room with what else but a vat of highly caustic ACID. "You better hope there aren't any boots lying around, Elmo!" Trysten yelled, yet a bit resignedly. Almost like a cartoon, he tied us up by our ankles above the bubbling green liquid awaiting our imminent doom. They left, and after a minute or two of struggling, I had given up hope, we hung there like sausages, waiting. All was quiet when: BANG!! The iron door was thrown aside and Rick stood there on his hind legs in what seemed to be a batman costume?!?! "WOOF" although he was a super hero apparently he still didn't speak... Anyway! He leaped up and threw a knife which cut the rope, and he caught us just before we were dunked in the acid. Actually, I think I might've got a bit singed, but that doesn't matter right? It WAS acid right? hmm... well what ever. I think my voice might have been a little higher after that actually. I'm sure that won't have anything to do with it. RIGHT?
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