Sunday, January 27, 2013

spiders really suck

               SPIDERS REALLY SUCK

So last night I had woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. when I got out I noticed something moving on the piano table
when I looked closer it was a freaking HUGE spider it was like spider-zillah it was the spider of spiders it was the size of a quarter.what the spider actually looked like was this:

however to me the spider looked more like this
either way I just happened to have a huge rubber mallet nearby so I decided that would be my weapon of choice. I had to fight with the spider for a couple minutes until my mallet came down upon the spider with full force it was smashed against the piano table and so after it fell to the ground I proceeded to whack it multiple more times with a log. it was a brutal death but hey, that spider should never have come in my house.

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